Dr Richard Bogle MB BS (Hons) BSc (Hons) PhD MRCP
Consultant Cardiologist, Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust & St George’s Hospital NHS Trust. Honorary Senior Lecturer in Cardiology, St George’s University of London.

Clinic: Thursday afternoons


Dr Bogle graduated from St George's Hospital Medical School and was the top student of his year with distinctions in medicine, surgery, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. He was awarded the James Hope Gold Medal in Cardiac Medicine & Surgery, Brackenbury Prize in Medicine, Brackenbury Prize in Surgery, Bayly Brodie Prize in Paediatrics and the Elek Prize in Clinical Immunology. He was proxime accessit to the University of London Gold medal.

After house officer posts he undertook general medical training on the London Postgraduate Teaching Hospitals rotation at Queen Square (Neurology) and Hammersmith Hospital (clinical pharmacology and cardiology) followed by posts in general medicine at Kingston Hospital. He was registrar to the Guy’s poisons unit before being appointed as cardiology registrar in North West Thames in 1999. He was awarded a certificate of completion of training in cardiology, clinical pharmacology and general internal medicine in 2007.

Dr Bogle holds a 1st class degree in pharmacology and a PhD was awarded after research on mechanisms of vascular dysfunction at the Medical Research Council Clinical Research Centre. He became a member of the Royal College of Physicians in 1999 and was awarded a Department of Health Clinician Science Research Fellowship whilst at Hammersmith Hospital. Dr Bogle is Consultant Cardiologist to Epsom and St Helier University Hospital, Carshalton and St George's Hospital. He is an honorary senior lecturer in cardiology at St George's Hospital Medical School.

Dr Bogle has developed a major expertise in management of coronary artery disease, coronary angiography and angioplasty/stenting including the treatment of angina and myocardial infarction. He also has a strong interest in hypertension and was previously in charge of the Hammersmith Hospital hypertension clinic which is one of the oldest specialist hypertension centres in the UK. His clinical interests also include heart failure, valvular heart disease, sports cardiology and cardiovascular risk assessment using novel ultrasound techniques assessing carotid intimal medical thickening. He is an advisor to the Army on cardiac aspects of fitness for potential recruits.

Dr Bogle is a member of the British Cardiac Society, British Cardiac Interventional Society, British Pharmacological Society and Royal College of Physicians. He has many original research publications covering all aspects of cardiovascular science and general adult cardiology. The quality of his research has been acknowledged by the award of the Geoffrey Rose Prize of the British Hypertension Society.