St.Anthony's is owned by The Congregation of the Daughters of the Cross of Liege, Registered Charity No. 1068661, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England. Registered Company No. 3492921. Registered office address: 29 Tite Street, Chelsea, London SW3 4JX.
Web site designed and produced byHamilton-Rio Design Ltd.
Welcome to 'Our Local Community', a section of our Web site dedicated to the local area that St. Anthony's Hospital is situated in.
Our aim is to provide an area within our Web site that informs and educated local people about events and clubs that St. Anthony's support, as well as information that could be sueful, such as residents' associations, health and fitness clubs, social clubs, voluntary organisations and up and coming local events.
We will also publish a list of useful internet links which we will keep adding too and updating at regular intervals.
We would also be interested in your feedback as to what we could include within this section to support our local community.