Miss Z Nadim
MRCOG, MFFP (BSCCP accredited colposcopist)
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Special interests
- Infertility
- Reproductive medicine
- Early pregnancy
- Colposcopy
Miss Nadim is a consultant Obstetrician and gynaecologist working at East Surrey Hospitals and Crawley. Her training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology took place at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, The Heartland Teaching Hospital in Birmingham, West Middlesex Hospital.
She also spent two years in research at The Royal London and St Bartholomews Hospitals in Reproductive Medicine. During the same period Miss Nadim was also the doctor in charge at The Assisted Conception Unit at Queen Marys university hospital in Roehampton.
Miss Nadim is also accredited by the Bristish society of colposcopy and cervical pathology and has a regular coplposcopy session at Crawley hospital.
Miss Nadim is highly experienced in Transvaginal ultrasound scanning, her work at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust reflect her interest which cover all aspect of the menstrual cycle irregularities, pelvic pain, and vaginal prolapse.