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Consultants - Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery
Mr M H Danford Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. King’s College, St. George’s and Epsom Hospitals. Salivary gland disease, orofacial cancer including skin cancer and lumps in the neck.
Mr G I Smith Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, St. George's Hospital and Kingston Hospital. Dentoalveolar surgery, surgical dermatology, salivary gland disease, and head and neck oncology.
Clinics are alternate Friday mornings.
Mr A Stewart Consultant Oral & Facial Surgeon, Queen Mary’s University Hospital & St. Helier Hospital. Orthognathic Surgery, Facial injuries, facial skin cancer, salivary gland surgery, aesthetic facial surgery, temporomandibular joint disease and oral mucosal disorders.