St.Anthony's is owned by The Congregation of the Daughters of the Cross of Liege, Registered Charity No. 1068661, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England. Registered Company No. 3492921. Registered office address: 29 Tite Street, Chelsea, London SW3 4JX.
In addition to the ‘Executive’ Health Screen, the Well Woman Screen and Menopause Clinic address the most common concerns in female health.
Blood pressure test
Urine test
Cervical smear
Ovarian screen*
Physical examination Pelvic examination
Breast examination
General physical examination
With a Consultant Gynaecologist
The examination is conducted by the Consultant Gynaecologist who will prepare a written report containing the results of the tests and consultation with advice and recommendations for future well being. This will be sent to you within ten days. We would recommend that a copy of the report is sent to your General Practitioner.
* Optional at extra cost. Breast ultrasound may be substituted for mammography if more appropriate.
Ovarian screen consists of Ca125 blood test+ transvaginal ultrasound.
Appointments are made by contacting the Outpatient department on(020) 8337 6691. Discounts are negotiable for companies booking Executive Health Screens for five or more employees. For enquiries please Email.