Consultants by speciality
pain management
Our Consultants specialising in Pain Management are listed below.
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- Clinics: Alternate Friday Afternoons.
- Appointments: 020 8335 4678 / 9
Clinic: Alternate Friday Evenings
Dr Krol qualified (MD) from Warsaw Medical University, Poland, in 1991 and completed his Anaesthetic and Intensive Care training in 1998. He then became a Diplomat of the European Academy of Anaesthesiology (DEAA) 2000. He is trained in Palliative Medicine and set up a Palliative Hospice and Chronic Pain Service in the region.
Dr Krol became a Clinical Pain Fellow at St George's Hospital 2004-2005 and has been a consultant at St George's Hospital in London since 2005. He applies a multimodal approach to pain management including pharmacotherapy and therapeutic and diagnostic interventions with close cooperation with the team of psychologists and physiotherapists.
He is an expert in ultrasound guided procedures, regional anaesthesia and pain management. He has taught and lectured at many national and international conferences and published extensively in the field.
- Clinic: Alternate Wednesday evenings