Medical insurance
Medical Insurance

The market for private medical insurance is now as competitive as that for car insurance or house insurance-and considerably more complicated. There are now more than thirty companies in the market offering a variety of products and finding your way through the maze would test the patience of a saint. Fortunately, St.Anthony’s has launched its own health insurance plan with the help of specialist medical insurance broker Essential Health Ltd.
The St. Anthony's Health Plan is designed to deliver all the benefits of private healthcare at prices considerably lower than other health insurance policies. Based on the premise that St.Anthony’s is the preferred hospital, Essential Health have been able to secure discounted rates from major insurance companies. However, the plan is not restrictive and will provide cover for investigations and treatment in other hospitals should this be necessary.
In practice, the great majority of conditions will be treatable at the Cheam hospital which already has an international reputation for its cardiac surgery programme.
A majority of insured patients are insured through their employer and the St. Anthony's Health Plan offers discounts for corporate schemes and indeed any groupings of three or more so long as the premiums are paid by one person acting as secretary for the group. Companies wishing to insure employees both locally and at various locations can still benefit from the competitive rates through reciprocal arrangements with other hospitals throughout the country.
For further information and advice and a free quotation call Essential Health on 0870 428 1005 (local rates) and ask about medical insurance cover for St.Anthony’s.