Consultants by speciality
Our Consultants specialising in Neurology are listed below.
To see clinic details and profiles click on a green tab to open.
- Clinic:
- Tuesdays evening
- Clinic:
- Thursday evening
- Clinic:
- Wednesday pm
Special Interests include:
- General Neurology
- Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders
- Stroke
- Neuro-oncology
- Nerve and Muscle disease
- Headache
Paul Hart trained in Neurology at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square; The Royal Free Hospital; Atkinson Morleys Hospital; and at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York.
In January 2004 he was appointed as Consultant Neurologist at Epsom and St Helier NHS trust (with clinical responsibilities at both sites) and at the Atkinson Morleys Neuroscience Centre, St George’s Hospital. He is the Honorary Consultant Neurologist for the Royal Marsden Hospital.
His PhD, undertaken at UCL, investigated molecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative disorders, and also explored novel therapeutic strategies in movement disorders. He is widely published in both the scientific and clinical literature.
His clinical training has provided him with experience in a broad range of neurological subspecialities. During his time at Queen Square he worked with the movement disorder group, epilepsy group, peripheral nerve and muscle group, and neuro-critical care team. At the Mount Sinai Hospital New York he gained further experience in stroke neurology.
- Secretary: 0208 296 3355
- Clinic:
- Tuesday mornings
- Saturday mornings
- Clinic:
- Thursday am