Consultants by speciality
Our Consultants specialising in Cardiology are listed below.
To see clinic details and profiles click on a green tab to open.
- Clinic:
- By arrangement
- Clinics: By appointment
- Appointments: 020 87251220
- Dr Lisa Anderson
- Consultant Cardiologist St George’s Hospital.
- Heart Failure Specialist and general cardiologist.
- Specialist Interests
- Heart failure diagnosis, investigation and management
- Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy assessment (biventricular pacemaker)
- Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy optimisation
- Cardiovascular risk assessment
- Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Dr Anderson is the chair for the Heart Failure Task Group, South West London Cardiac Network. She sits on the Wandsworth Long Term Conditions Steering Committee, is a member of the St Georges Healthcare Associated Infections Taskforce and member of the Wandsworth Ethics Committee based at St George’s Hospital. Lead for cardiac rehabilitation, St George’s Hospital.
- Guideline development:
- St George’s Hospital guidelines for the management of acute and chronic heart failure
Editor of the St Georges Cardiothoracic Handbook. - Symptom Control Guidelines and Key Information in End-stage Heart Failure for the South West London Cardiac Network.
- Joint guidelines with Wandsworth PCT for diagnosis, referral and treatment of heart failureect until taking up the post of Heart Failure Consultant for St George'seas.
- Service development
- As chair for the South West London Heart Failure Task Group Dr Anderson has worked with local PCTs to secure funding for for additional community heart failure nurses in Merton and Sutton and Wandsworth and is working with Kingston PCT to develop a new community heart failure team. Dr Anderson is also working with Wandsworth PCT to develop a community based cardiac rehabilitation service. Community heart failure nurse teams are already in place in Croydon and Lambeth.
Research interests: Cardiac resynchronisation therapy, pacemaker optimisation and non-invasive imaging of cardiomyopathies.
During Dr Anderson’s MD research at The Royal Brompton Hospital, she devised and developed a new Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging technique to measure iron loading in the heart. This research subsequently attracted a major project grant from the National Institutes of Health, America and Dr Anderson worked as the Lead Clinical Investigator on this project until taking up the post of Heart Failure Consultant for St George’s Hospital in 2005. It has recently been shown that the introduction of this technique has been associated with a greater than 70% reduction in death from cardiac iron overload in the UK thalassaemia population.
- Clinic:
- By arrangement
- Clinic:
- Thursday afternoons
- Specialist Interests:
- Coronary heart disease including angioplasty and stenting
- Hypertension
- Cardiovascular risk assessment

Dr Bogle graduated from St George's Hospital Medical School and was the top student of his year with distinctions in medicine, surgery, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. He was awarded the James Hope Gold Medal in Cardiac Medicine & Surgery, Brackenbury Prize in Medicine, Brackenbury Prize in Surgery, Bayly Brodie Prize in Paediatrics and the Elek Prize in Clinical Immunology. He was proxime accessit to the University of London Gold medal.
After house officer posts he undertook general medical training on the London Postgraduate Teaching Hospitals rotation at Queen Square (Neurology) and Hammersmith Hospital (clinical pharmacology and cardiology) followed by posts in general medicine at Kingston Hospital. He was registrar to the Guy’s poisons unit before being appointed as cardiology registrar in North West Thames in 1999. He was awarded a certificate of completion of training in cardiology, clinical pharmacology and general internal medicine in 2007.
Dr Bogle holds a 1st class degree in pharmacology and a PhD was awarded after research on mechanisms of vascular dysfunction at the Medical Research Council Clinical Research Centre. He became a member of the Royal College of Physicians in 1999 and was awarded a Department of Health Clinician Science Research Fellowship whilst at Hammersmith Hospital. Dr Bogle is Consultant Cardiologist to Epsom and St Helier University Hospital, Carshalton and St George's Hospital. He is an honorary senior lecturer in cardiology at St George's Hospital Medical School.
Dr Bogle has developed a major expertise in management of coronary artery disease, coronary angiography and angioplasty/stenting including the treatment of angina and myocardial infarction. He also has a strong interest in hypertension and was previously in charge of the Hammersmith Hospital hypertension clinic which is one of the oldest specialist hypertension centres in the UK. His clinical interests also include heart failure, valvular heart disease, sports cardiology and cardiovascular risk assessment using novel ultrasound techniques assessing carotid intimal medical thickening. He is an advisor to the Army on cardiac aspects of fitness for potential recruits.
Dr Bogle is a member of the British Cardiac Society, British Cardiac Interventional Society, British Pharmacological Society and Royal College of Physicians. He has many original research publications covering all aspects of cardiovascular science and general adult cardiology. The quality of his research has been acknowledged by the award of the Geoffrey Rose Prize of the British Hypertension Society.
- Private Secretary: Miss Debra Nalden
- Telephone: 020 8296 2782
- Fax: 020 8296 3844
- E-mail:
- Clinic:
- Monday pm/evening
- Clinic:
- By arrangement
Dr T P Chua graduated from St Mary’s Hospital Medical School, London, now part of Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine. He obtained first class honours in the intercalated BSc programme and graduated with the MBBS degree in 1987.
He passed the MRCP examinations at first attempt after which he took up cardiology specialty training in various London teaching hospitals including St Bartholomew’s, Royal Free, Royal Brompton and National Heart and Hammersmith hospitals. He was also a British Heart Foundation Research Fellow researching into heart failure.
Accredited as a specialist in the United Kingdom both in general medicine and cardiology, his special interests include interventional cardiology (balloon angioplasty and stenting), heart failure, hypertension and pacing. He is an NHS consultant cardiologist at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford and St George’s Hospital, London.
He is also a consultant at St Anthony’s Hospital, North Cheam, Mount Alvernia Hospital and Nuffield Hospital, Guildford.
- NHS Secretary 01483 464 099 (Royal Surrey) and 0208 725 1220 (St George’s)
Private Secretary 01483 555 877.
- Clinic:
- By arrangement
- Clinic:
- Friday pm/evening
- Clinics:
- Alternate Monday mornings
- Clinic:
- By arrangement
- Clinic: Alternate Wednesday afternoons & alternate Thursday evenings
- Clinic:
- By arrangement
- Dr Rashid Iqbal, MSc, MRCP, MRCPI
- Consultant Cardiologist

Coronary Artery Disease including angina and myocardial Infarction – hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cardiac pacing and other general cardiology issues
Professional profile
I am a young and enthusiastic cardiologist based at East Surrey Hospital, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare Trust and St. George's Hospital London. My primary interest is in the treatment of coronary heart disease and its prevention. I also have a special interest in the treatment of high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and pacing.
I have completed an intensive postgraduate training in cardiovascular medicine in lead teaching hospitals, and have completed my coronary interventional fellowship obtaining a full range of experience in coronary artery stenting procedures. I am a fully trained and experienced cardiologist capable of performing both simple and complex coronary intervention procedures with a high safety profile.
I have ample cardiovascular research experience and have been an investigator for numerous national and international cardiovascular studies and trials, particularly relating management of hypertension, hyperlipidemia and coronary artery disease.
Please call 020 8335 4678 / 79 to arrange a consultation.
A GP referral is requested.
- Clinic:
- By arrangement
- Clinic:
- By arrangement
- Clinic:
- By arrangement
- Clinic: Friday mornings & most Monday mornings
Clinics: By arrangement
BA (Hons), MA (Hons), MB BChir (Hons), PhD (Cantab), MRCP
Dr Qasim has expertise in all aspects of percutaneous coronary intervention with special interests in intra-vascular ultrasound and complex interventions, including left main coronary artery disease, bypass graft intervention and acute coronary syndromes.
General Cardiology
Diagnosis and management of all aspects of general cardiology including:
- Chest pain, breathlessness and palpitations
- Heart rhythm management and permanent pacemaker implantation
- Echocardiography and trans-oesophageal echo
- Heart failure
- Hypertension
- Cardiac risk, including athlete assessment
Dr Qasim graduated from the University of Cambridge, with prizes and awards for research and clinical medicine. He trained in general medicine and cardiology in Cambridge, Birmingham and London .
He returned to Cambridge to complete a PhD examining cardiovascular stem cell biology, with research papers and presentations at scientific meetings in Europe and north America. He has published papers in peer reviewed journals on a range of interventional and general cardiology subjects. Dr Qasim remains active in cardiology research and is a senior investigator for a number of clinical trials.
Dr Qasim has a high level of expertise in interventional cardiology, and performs all aspects of coronary intervention. He was awarded an interventional fellowship spent a year working in Milan with a world-leading team developing new techniques and research.
Dr Qasim is a member of the following professional organisations:
- British Medical Associatio
- British Cardiovascular Society
- British Cardiovascular Interventional Society
- European Society of Cardiology
- Clinic: Alternate Monday mornings
Dr Simon Redwood MB BS MD FRCP FACC
Dr Redwood qualified from St. George’s Hospital Medical School. He trained in Cardiology at The Royal London Hospital, The Royal Free Hospital and St. George’s Hospital, London. Interventional training was obtained at The Washington Cardiology Center, Washington, DC and Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals. He obtained Fellowship of the American College of Cardiology in 2001 and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in 2003.
Dr Redwood is Senior Lecturer/ Consultant Interventional Cardiologist and Director of the Cardiac Catheter labs at St. Thomas’, the highest volume catheter lab suite in the UK. He is also Lead Clinician for Research and Development and a Council Member of the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society. He is trained in all aspects of adult interventional cardiology including intravascular ultrasound, physiological lesion assessment using pressure-sensor tipped wires, stent implantation, rotational atherectomy and laser angioplasty including the laserwire for chronic total occlusions.
His MD thesis was on the subject of the pathophysiology of acute myocardial ischaemia and he currently has particular interest in interventional cardiology based research including risk analysis and prediction of events post percutaneous coronary intervention, evaluation of coronary stents and coronary artery physiology.
- Clinic:
- By arrangement
- Qualifications MB ChB DM FRCP
Clinic - by arrangement