Prostate Biopsy- MRI TRUS Fusion

Dhiren Nehra

Mr Stephen Gordon BSc, MBBS, FRCS (Urol)
Consultant Urological Surgeon, Epsom & St.Helier University Hospitals

For appointments 01737 357258, 0843 2898754, 0845 5192 753 (fax)

Advances in the Treatment of Prostate Problems

Prostate cancer is a disease that only affects men. The cancer grows in the prostate which is a gland in the male reproductive system located under the bladder.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK with over 40,000 diagnosed each year and more than a quarter of a million living with the condition. The disease predominately affects older men who are aged around 65 to 79 years old however around 25% of cases occur in men younger than 65.

Prostate cancer generally starts in the gland cells and is a very slow progressing disease and unlikely to have a significant impact on a man’s life. Indeed, several studies have shown that perhaps about 80% of men in their 80s had the cancer when they died without them knowing.

However, a considerable proportion of men may suffer from aggressive and even life threatening forms of the disease. It is therefore important to seek medical advice regarding your prostate so it can be diagnosed and subsequently treated as soon as possible. With improvements in modern technology it has become easier to diagnose prostate cancer, which explains the increased number of reported incidences in recent years.

Prostate Biopsy - MRI Guided Ultrasound Technique

The risk of having prostate cancer is primarily based on a prostate exam and blood test. However a strong family history of the cancer or ethic origin may result in raised risk, highlighting the importance of accurate diagnosis.

The only way to definitively diagnose prostate cancer is to have a prostate biopsy. This involves taking small samples from several areas of the prostate to be examined. Prior to a biopsy however, an MRI scan of the prostate is important to help localise areas that may harbour the cancer.

Potential downsides and inaccuracy can occur with a standard transrectal prostate biopsy, which is mainly due to the random nature of the sampling and the fact that biopsies are taken up the back passage.

To improve the diagnostic accuracy and also limit the complications, Mr Stephen Gordon has introduced for patients at St. Anthony’s a purpose built MRI and ultrasound fusion device to specifically target suspected cancerous areas of the prostate. This means samples can be taken from any part of the prostate and there is less risk of infection as the prostate in reached via the perineum, avoiding the rectum.

The BiopSee® device fuses the MRI images previously performed with live ultrasound images of the prostate. The benefit of this approach is that the prostate cancer detection rate is likely to be better and if cancer is found, it is more likely to be of a significant nature which is best detected at an early stage. The biopsy procedure is performed as a day case under general anaesthetic.

Appointments or enquiries regarding Mr Gordon’s clinics can be made via 01737 357 258 or

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