The Cardiac Support Group

The Cardiac Support Group provides a social and educational forum for cardiac patients and their partners. Monthly meetings in the hospital conference centre offer an opportunity to hear talks from doctors and other hospital staff about aspects of rehabilitation and cardiac medicine.

Meetings are also enjoyable social occasions where experiences can be shared and support given.

Social events are arranged from time to time often raising welcome funds for the hospice.

Cardiac Support Dates for your Diary 2014. Start time: 19.30
Date Speaker/Subject
Monday 7th April
Sonia Pombo from SALT Update on salt and introduction of Blood Pressure UK
Monday 12th May
Samieah Kahn, Pharmacy. Cardiac Drugs
Monday 16th June
Dr Richard Bogle Consultant Cardiologist. Whats new in Cardiology
Monday 21st July
Mr Ibrahim Hassan Resident Surgeon. Caridac risk factors
Monday 1st Spetember Kojo Kyreme, Cardiac Physiologoist. 

NB: Contact St. George's Ward or the Cardiac Office on 020 8335 4600 for details on the speaker for the evening.

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